We have some free services that are offered to local companies through our community outreach program. Here is a quick description of our Seminars/ Lunch and Lean Program. We’d love to work with you and/or your employer on getting one set up for your business. Please reply for more information – 517-381-1880
Our customized seminars and lunch and learns are designed to provide actionable knowledge to your group – knowledge that can make an instant impact on the individuals health. We help determine what will fit your group best, get the event promoted to the staff, and deliver a valuable seminar and/ or lunch and learn that will help achieve health and wellness goals in the workplace. Popular topics include:
- Handling Back Pain
- Injury Prevention
- Running Pain Free
- Day End Pain
- Handling and Preventing Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain, and Headaches
- and more!
Call us at 517-381-1880 or fill out our Contact Form for more information